Tic Tac Toe with Numbers, Letters or Sight Words

I just love Tic Tac Toe!  There can be so much to a game - the planning, the strategy and even reinforcement of academic skills.

I like to use half of a foam carton from a pack of 18 eggs.    

We select appealing objects to play with.  For some kids, that might mean Legos or Unifix cubes.  Pom Poms are always a great choice too! 

Kids play until they understand the game well.  Then it's time to add another element!

To work with letters, partners each choose a color.  Select the letters you want each child to focus on. Depending on the letters you select, this works well for kids who are learning their first few letters and also for kids who need reinforcement with a few letters they find tricky.       

This works well with numbers too! 

My favorite way to use this game is to reinforce knowledge of sight words.  Just tape the words your kids are working with onto colored tiles or unifix cubes and they're ready to go!   

To add some writing, have kids record the words they use for each game.       

I love simple, classic games that can be used in many different ways.  That makes Tic Tac Toe an all-time favorite for me!

Thanks for taking a look.  I hope you find these ideas helpful.  If you have favorite games that work throughout the year, I'd love to hear about them.  Anne  

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  1. I love this tactile idea for learning sight words or letters! Thanks for sharing! I am pinning this so I'll remember to use it!

    1. Thanks, Leigh! Anne (I'm new to blogging and it's great to know that these ideas come in handy for you.)

  2. Nice idea, you could extend the numbers tic-tac-toe so that they need to add up as they go, like building their own magic square.

  3. This a very cute idea!!! My students will love this. Thank you for the great detail you put into showing us how to do this. I love your blog!

  4. I love this idea! I am always looking for independent work that my students can successfully complete. The different versions you have shown will make it easy to differentiate for my Kinders. And I have most of the materials already in my classroom, just need to eat more eggs!

    Sommer Pride

  5. What an awesome idea! I cannot wait to show this to my team tomorrow! I better break out the pom poms so we can get right to the sight words before spring break!! =)

  6. WOW!! I really love this idea!! You could reinforce so many skills with this game.
    I am definitely going to have eggs this week so I can use my egg carton.
    Great idea!!

  7. Wow Anne! What a great idea! Thanks for sharing :)

  8. WOW!! Great idea. I always love when I can reuse or repurpose instead of buying something new.

    Happy Teacher Heaven

    1. Amy, Thanks so much! It's nice to hear from you. I'm going to check your blog out now. Anne

  9. I love this idea Anne...I am all for easy, fun, and cute! PLUS, it saves me ink! Lol!

    Maybe you could even challenge some of your kiddos by having them put the sight words in ABC order in order for it to count as a win and a tic-tac-toe.

    I am happy to be your newest follower. I would love for you to hop over when you get the chance. =)

    Heather's Heart

  10. This is a fantastic (and easy!) idea! I can see using this with my ELL's, young and old. I am pinning this!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  11. Just pinned this! Really love using tic tac toe to reinforce sight words. Thanks so much for sharing.

    The Fun Factory

  12. Thanks Kathy! I'm going to check out the "Fun Factory" now! Anne

  13. Anne,
    I really like the Tic Tac Toe idea! I just found your blog and I am now following you. I would love for you to drop by mine when you get a chance!
    Patti :)
    A Series of 3rd Grade Events

  14. This is a cute idea! The kids will love it! I can't wait to use it in my room.


    Thanks again for linking up!

  15. GREAT ideas! I love it!

    I am your 90th follower!!

    Mindful Rambles
